PERMABRIL® C Reactive Dye

PERMABRIL® C Dye is a high-quality, fiber-reactive dye used for tie dying and can be applied at room temperature.

These brilliant colors have excellent light fastness, wash fastness and wet fastness properties. 

Yellow C-8G

Yellow C-3R

Orange C-2R

Red C-FE

Red C-5B

Red C-8B

Red C-SPR New

Violet C-B

Violet C-G

Blue C-2G 125%

Blue C-G

Blue C-R

Blue C-WFG New

Navy C-4G

Navy C-KBN

Navy C-4R

Turquoise C-G

Green C-EG

Green C-DFG

Brown C-KB

Brown C-BDC

Grey C-KG

Black C-TDB

Black C-NB


The following procedure is a suggestion for tie dyeing. There are many variations and other tie dyeing methods may work as well or better than the guidelines listed here.

  1. Prepare to dye! Wear old clothes that you don’t mind ruining, this can get very messy.
  2.  Prepare work area using a large flat table with garbage bags over the surface to hold liquid dye spills.
  3. Use clean garments


  1. In a clean 5-gallon bucket or plastic drum, soak garments in the following solution for approximately 20-minutes:
    1. 1/4lb Soda Ash/gallon hot tap water
      1. Stir well for 1-2 minutes
    2. Immerse garments in Soda Ash solution for 20-minutes.


  1. Wring out excess water from Soda Ash solution.
  2. Fold garments in the manner desired for dyeing.
    1. Tie with light rubber bands.
  3. Apply dye solution using the preferred method: squirt bottle, dipping, sponge brush, etc.
  4. Cover garments with more plastic bags after dyeing to seal in moisture.
    1. Let sit for a 5-hour minimum. For best results, let sit for 24-hours.
  5. Rinse thoroughly in the sink using warm water until most of the residual dye has been washed out.
  6. Cut rubber bands, careful not to cut the fabric!
  7. Launder garments on a cold cycle with Synthrapol and fabric softener to improve the “hand” of the fabric.
  8. Tumble dry on normal cycle.